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Pylon-related organisations



A few vague details about a few organisations related to British electricity pylons. Extensive detail is not to be expected.


British Insulated

British Insulated Cables joined with Callender’s Cable Co. Ltd. in 1945 to become BICC.

Responsible for:


National Grid prefix: CC

Named Callender’s Cable Company Limited during the design of SEE PL1(b), it was named Callender’s Cable & Construction Company Limited when it was selected as the construction contractor for SEE PL16. However, (per the PL16 specification) the company was voluntarily liquidated on 29/06/1945. It was then joined with British Insulated Cables to become British Insulated Callender’s Cables Limited or BICC. The SEE PL16 contract was amended to adopt British Insulated Callender’s Cables as the project contractor.

Responsible for:

Balfour Beatty

National Grid prefix: BB

The present-day Balfour Beatty is former parent company BICC.

Responsible for:


National Grid prefix: BB (Balfour Beatty)

British Insulated Callender's Cables (BICC) is now Balfour Beatty. BICC acquired Power Securities who themselves owned Balfour Beatty. Formed in 1945 from British Insulated Cables and Callender’s Cable.

Responsible for:

Blaw Knox

National Grid prefix: BK

American-based firm Blaw Knox appear to be the most prolific organisation when it comes to tower design. Blaw Knox entered the UK transmission tower market through their acquisition of Milliken Brothers. Blaw Knox designed two of the most common tower types in Britain: the 132 kV PL16 type (still under the name of the Milliken Brothers branch) and the first major Supergrid type of L2. (The earlier L66 Supergrid type was also their design.) When the Supergrid was extended to quad-conductor lines, Blaw Knox provided one of the four L6 types. National Grid document TGN(E) 161 “Technical Guidance Notes - Modifications to L66, L2, L3, L3(c), L8 and L8(c) Towers” bears the summary line “A generic design defect exists in the layout of body extensions incorporated into Blaw Knox L66, L2, L3, L3(c), L8 and L8(c) towers.” The suggestion is that these are all Blaw Knox designs, and there seems to be no reason for this not to be the case.

Responsible for:


Seemingly the actual designers of SEE PL1a, rather than (as the Tower Bible indicates) Pirelli. This remains disputed however.

J L Eve

National Grid prefix: JE

J. L. Eve Construction was a London-based civil engineering company founded in 1930 by its late namesake John Leonard Eve. J L Eve characteristically avoided giving any of their tower designs names. Their implementation of the CEB L132 specification is variously known as “L16” (in England), “L55” (in Scotland) and L132 in general, and there is no evidence to prove that these three are all the same specification; in the Tower Bible the series name is given merely as “J.L. EVE.” Eve drawings for the Thorpe Marsh–Stalybridge line depict Eve L6 towers but again do not name the series.

Eve were jointly responsible with BICC for L7, L6(c) and L7(c), with each series being a mixture of Eve and BICC tower designs.

Responsible for:

Milliken Brothers

National Grid prefix: BK (Blaw Knox)

Milliken Brothers were an American firm who were the winners of a CEB competition to select a design for the pylons that would make up the original National Grid. (The present-day National Grid is what was introduced as the Supergrid, the 275 and 400 kV overlay onto the original 132 kV network.) (It’s worth noting that the organisation that won the competition could have been their UK branch, which is impossible to trace.)

Milliken Brothers was acquired by Blaw Knox in August 1927, as reported in the New York Times. Early UK tower drawings bore only the Milliken Brothers name for a few yeas afterwards, followed by the addition of the Blaw Knox name; the Milliken Brothers name would finally disappear.

Responsible for:

Painter Brothers

National Grid prefix: unknown

Painter Brothers’ exact involvement is unclear, and although they are still in business it has so far proved impossible to contact them. They are listed as one the two steelwork fabricators for scheme SEE PL16 (along with Horseley Bridge & Thomas Piggott Ltd). The L2 tower was fabricated and tested at Painter Brothers’ works.


The Tower Bible gives Pirelli as the designer of SEE PL1a, while the known drawings are stamped GEC. The exact details remain a mystery.


National Grid prefix: unknown

Watsham’s Ltd (company number 00196908) was founded on the 11th of April 1924. Companies House lists the name as Watsham’s P.L.C. from 11th April 1924 to 19th August 1987, but this is incorrect: the name was still Watsham’s Limited as of 1977.

The Reports & Accounts document dated 31st March 1977 indicates that tower construction ended in this year:

During the year, the company ceased to erect transmission and telecommunication towers but continues to manufacture these products. The erection facilities and outstanding contracts were transferred to Hawker Siddeley Power Engineering Limited for a cash consideration of approximately £1,350,000.

Watsham’s branched out into other areas of industry. The Reports & Accounts 1987 document notes:

At an extraordinary general meeting of the Company held on 31 July 1987 a special resolution was passed changing the name of the Company from Watsham’s P.L.C. to Optical and Medical International P.L.C. The purpose of the change of name was to more appropriately describe the activities of the Company and its subsidiaries.

The name was shortened to OMI International PLC on 15th August 1991, then on 15th January 1998 it changed to its current name of Solvera PLC.

Responsible for: