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CEB regions

The table below gives the Central Electricity Board regions, in the order of adoption, as detailed in Development of the High Voltage Grid System in the UK, Pre-Nationalisation: Part 1, Andrew F Smith, Supplement to the Histelect News No. S79, December 2021.

Region Name Adoption
CS Central Scotland 29/07/1927
SEE South East England 1928
CE Central England
NWE North West England and North Wales
MEE Mid East England March 1929
NEE North East England January 1930
SWE South West England and South Wales 23/05/1930
EE East England July 1930
SS South Scotland July 1931

The regions below are traced from Fig. 13: The Grid in 1937, in The Wonders of World Engineering (Part 3, page 75, March 16, 1937), included within Development of the High Voltage Grid System in the UK, Pre-Nationalisation: Part 2, Andrew F Smith, Supplement to the Histelect News No. S80, April 2022. The coastal outline is only approximate but will suffice here.

Area electricity boards

Area electricity boards established upon nationalisation in 1947; data suggests that these contract prefixes were still in use in 1966. See the Electricity Act 1947 page on Wikipedia for the region boundaries.

Contract prefix Board
T(14) South West Scotland Electricity Board
T(13) South East Scotland Electricity Board
T(12) North Western Electricity Board (NORWEB)
T(11) North Eastern Electricity Board (NEEB)
T(9) † Yorkshire Electricity Board (YEB)
T(10) Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board (MANWEB)
T(6) East Midlands Electricity Board (EMEB)
T(8) South Wales Electricity Board (SWALEC)
T(7) † Midlands Electricity Board (MEB)
T(5) † Eastern Electricity Board (EEB)
T(4) South Western Electricity Board (SWEB)
T(3) Southern Electricity Board (SEB)
T(1) † London Electricity Board (LEB)
T(2) ‡ South Eastern Electricity Board (SEEBOARD)

† Hypothetical due to lack of data

‡ Most T(2) schemes fall within the South Eastern region, except T(2) CEA – L256 (West Weybridge–Staines) which appears to have been in the Southern region, but this could be an error in the region boundaries map.