Datanetics 189-1014861
Part number 189-1014861 is a keyboard manufactured for NCR by Datanetics, that uses their DC-50 discrete mechanical switches. The part number could belong to either Datanetics or NCR; the part number and serial number label is not branded. The only visible branding is on the PCB. Two rows of 20 solder points suggests the presence of a DIP-40 single-chip encoder on board.
The photographs below are archived from eBay listing 153553055840 “Vintage Datanetics Keyboard”, posted by user niktec and since deleted from eBay. The listing is for two keyboards. A single photograph shows one of the keyboards labelled with part number 189-1014861 and serial number 2764. Both keyboards appear to be the same model, although the PCBs are not made from the same materials.
The keycaps are NCR’s own, and Datanetics custom-produced a DC-50 variant specifically to accept NCR’s existing keycaps, one of which being clearly visible due to a lost keycap. The keycaps provide a slot, likely designed to accept traditional flat stamped metal plungers.