Omron B2R-84E2L-602
This is an extremely rare example of a keyboard with Omron B2R switches. The model or models of switch used are not known; they could be linear (B2R-M) or tactile, and the Lock key is likely to be alternate action on the basis that there are no indicator lights. B2R model numbers are marked on the switches, but it is too late now to recover this information.
The images are archived from Taobao Idlefish (item 595978610046), as the item was already sold by the time UncleFan discovered it. As with so many other interesting items, the new owner has kept it secret, leaving this page as the only trace of its existence.
It is interesting to note that the label has “B2” printed on the master content, and the remainder of the number is added afterwards.
The label on the back reads as follows:
形式 | B2R-84E2L-602 |
品番 | 1829-05 |
仕番 | BSX60-1952 |
版数 |
The exact translation of the label is not possible without understanding Omron’s practice, but 聖人 offered the following suggestions:
- 形式
- “Model number” or “Model name” (synonyms: 形式番号, 型番, 形式名 etc)
- 品番
- “Part number” or “Product number” (could be manufacturer’s or customer’s)
- 仕番
- Possibly short for “仕様書番号”, giving “Specification number” or “Document number”
- 版数
- Revision number
Oddly, none of the codes appear to represent the lot number or serial number.