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KBK update for Sunday, 24th January

Correspondence with MinebeaMitsumi has turned up a rather surprising fact: at the time that they bought Hi-Tek Corporation, they were already in the keyboard business, manufacturing “keyboards for IBM's high-end personal computers”, production of which began in September 1982, following an agreement in January 1982. Until now we have just assumed that the Model F—which is presumably the type they describe—was manufactured solely in the United States, but this seems not to be the case. D’Milo Hallerberg, who was employed at Hi-Tek at the time, confirms that Minebea were manufacturing IBM keyboards in Singapore. The production moved to Thailand in 1984, where production of Series 725 was also relocated.

Additionally, all of the remaining literature that Susan Kennedy provided to Benjamin Rockwell, and that he scanned in, is now uploaded to the Hi-Tek and Series 725 pages.

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