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KBK update for Monday, 17th January

Our understanding of SMK JM-0400 series has taken a step forward with the first confirmed breakdown of the series structure, based on fragments of an advertisement accessible via Google Books. The known subseries are as follows: J-J0019 (momentary sloped reed), J-M0404 (momentary sloped mechanical), J-M0409 (alternate action sloped mechanical), J-M0410 (illuminated sloped mechanical), J-M0432 (momentary stepped mechanical) and J-M0434 (alternate action stepped mechanical). Although the reed switches were advertised as being part of JM-0400 series, the one known reed subseries falls outside of that numbering range. This discovery explains part J-M0409#01 and series JJ0019 that were previously encountered.

JM-0200 however is now known to not be a keyboard switch: it is a series of elastic contact pushbuttons that, while tall, only offer 1 mm of travel.

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