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KBK update for Wednesday, 16th June

In February I posted a page on TESLA keyboard encoders: specifically models MH103 and MH113 single-chip contactless encoders. Few details on these parts are known to be documented. An eBay listing for a Consul 262.3 keyboard shows the complete keyboard schematics, including a clear indication of the encoder functionality: they are two-of-N encoders. Micro Switch schematics don’t show (in all examples observed to date) the encoding arrangement, while the 262.3 schematics do depict this. Confirmed two-of-N arrangements outside of Micro Switch are extremely rare, so this example is an important find. The encoding is shown in the schematics as a regular grid, but as with later Micro Switch keyboards, the encoding integrated into the switch wiring instead of using a dedicated connection grid.

The rate of discovery has slowed lately, so this was a most welcome encounter.

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