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KBK update for Wednesday, 16th September

Continued examination of back issues of Computer Design magazine at Bitsavers has now yielded additional models of Raytheon keyboard switch. The reed type of KBSR-1 is now confirmed, and this was complemented by a “double-level” KBSR-2 type. The mechanical equivalent was KBSM-1, and although a “double-level” mechanical type was offered, its model number was not given.

Searching for “KBSM-1” netted an eBay listing with clear photos of this type, which is very similar to the sample collected by Meryl Miller. Notwithstanding my opinion of eBay and long-standing vow to never use their services, some lucky individual was able to acquire this immense rarity for the lowly sum of US$2.95 last month. For a new-old-stock switch designed around 1967, that was a lucky purchase by one “1***e”; his or her bid was the only one, for which they can thank how poorly-known these switches are, this being the first and only confirmed sighting of KBSM-1 (Meryl’s example is probably the same model but the specifics are lost to time).

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