rem Lecture Battleships 1.0d2 rem Daniel Beardsmore 2003 rem rem The program is public domain. app LBShips, &200033EF icon "app-32-icon.mbm" icon "app-32-mask.mbm" icon "app-24-icon.mbm" icon "app-24-mask.mbm" icon "app-48-icon.mbm" icon "app-48-mask.mbm" enda rem include "const.oph" const KFontArialNormal11& = 268435955 const KFontCourierNormal11& = 268436066 const KFontSquashed& = 268435701 const KVersion$ = "1.0d2" const KShip% = 2 rem {KClear% = 1} set later const KShipRecLen% = 3 const KNotInGrid% = 0 const KInGrid% = 1 const KShipBtnWidth% = 84 const KDirBtnWidth% = 42 const KShipBtnLeft% = 175 const KDirBtnLeft% = 264 const KShipBtnRight% = 258 const KDirBtnRight% = 305 const KCheckForShip% = 0 const KSetShip% = 1 const KClearShip% = 2 const KPegExists% = -1 const KPegPlaced% = 0 const KHit% = 1 const KMiss% = 2 rem values of KSetup%/KTurn% are used for specifying the rem grid side (1 or 2) to decode co-ordinates to const KSetup% = 1 const KTurn% = 2 const KBoardHidden% = 3 const KWon% = 7 const KNew% = 8 const KClosing% = 9 const KSetupSideSw% = -1 const KClear% = 1 const KMark% = 2 const KUnset% = 3 PROC LBShips: loadm "Z:\System\Opl\Toolbar.opo" TBarLink:("init") ENDP PROC init: global gShipLengths%(5), gShipNames$(5, 16) global gGrids%(200), gFleet%(30), gCount%(2) global gState%, gWIds%(2) global gXOffsets%(2), gFOffsets%(2) global KCRLF$(2), KBTTurn$(10) local i% KCRLF$ = chr$(13) + chr$(10) KBTTurn$ = "Take" + KCRLF$ + "Turn" gXOffsets%(1) = 3 : gXOffsets%(2) = KShipBtnLeft% gFOffsets%(1) = 1 : gFOffsets%(2) = 16 gShipNames$(1) = "cruiser" :gShipLengths%(1) = 2 gShipNames$(2) = "destroyer" :gShipLengths%(2) = 3 gShipNames$(3) = "submarine" :gShipLengths%(3) = 3 gShipNames$(4) = "battleship" :gShipLengths%(4) = 4 gShipNames$(5) = "aircraft carrier" :gShipLengths%(5) = 5 TBarInit:("LBShips", gWidth, 126) TBarShow: TBarButt:("e", 2, "Exit", 0, &0, &0, 0) rem Create game windows gWIds%(1) = gCreate(0, 0, gWidth - TBWidth%, gHeight, 0, 1) gWIds%(2) = gCreate(0, 0, gWidth, gHeight, 0, 1) reset:(1) gState% = KSetup% :evtLoop: ENDP PROC evtLoop: global gSide%, gBtnTrackID%, gLastMenu% local ev&(16), turnResult%, x%, y%, pos% local oldX%, oldY%, ptrLoc%, currShip%, currOrient% local dragdX%, dragdY% gSide% = 1 :currShip% = 1 :currOrient% = 0 rem Loop until user closes app while not (gState% = KClosing%) rem Handle transient modes before collecting event from OS if gState% = KSetupSideSw% rem Player 1 has clicked Accept fleet - switch visible side rem and return to set-up state drawButton:(currShip%, 0) currShip% = 1 :currOrient% = 0 drawButton:(1, 1) :drawButton:(6, 1) gBtnTrackID% = 0 rem Return to set-up state gState% = KSetup% elseif gState% = KNew% reset:(2) :gState% = KSetup% gSide% = 1 :currShip% = 1 :currOrient% = 0 oldX% = 0 :oldY% = 0 gBtnTrackID% = 0 endif getevent32 ev&() rem Check for menu events if handleInputEvt:(ev&(1), ev&(4)) continue rem Check for pointer events elseif ev&(1) = &408 rem Offer pointer events to the toolbar if tbaroffer%:(ev&(3),ev&(4),ev&(6),ev&(7)) :continue :endif rem Utilise pointer event if gState% < KBoardHidden% rem Convert pointer co-ords to game co-ords ptrLoc% = getCoords%:(ev&(6), ev&(7), addr(x%), addr(y%), gState%) if gState% = KTurn% if ev&(4) = 0 and ptrLoc% = KInGrid% if doMove%:(x%, y%, oldX%, oldY%) = KPegPlaced% oldX% = x% :oldY% = y% endif endif elseif gState% = KSetup% if ptrLoc% = KInGrid% if ev&(4) = 0 rem on pen down, look for ship pos% = getLApos%:(gSide%, x%, y%) if not (gGrids%(pos%) = 0) rem Get rem deselect current orientation button drawButton:(currOrient% + 6, 0) if gGrids%(pos%) = currShip% rem if reselecting current ship, ignore else rem deselect current ship button drawButton:(currShip%, 0) currShip% = gGrids%(pos%) pos% = gFOffsets%(gSide%) + ((currShip% - 1) * KShipRecLen%) currOrient% = gFleet%(pos% + 1) drawButton:(currShip%, 1) endif drawButton:(currOrient% + 6, 1) endif endif placeShip:(x%, y%, currShip%, currOrient%, ev&(4)) else trackPtr:(ev&(4), ev&(6), ev&(7), addr(currShip%), addr(currOrient%)) endif endif elseif gState% = KBoardHidden% rem gIPrint "Select to take your turn first", 2 cmdG%: endif elseif ev&(1) = &404 if getcmd$ = "X" :gState% = KClosing% :endif else rem giprint hex$(ev&(1)), 0 endif endwh ENDP PROC drawSetup: local i% i% = 1: while i% <= 7 drawButton:(i%, (i% = 1) or (i% = 6)) i% = i% + 1 endwh ENDP PROC drawButton:(pID%, pMode%) local width%, text$(16), localid%, x% gFont KFontSquashed& :gStyle 1 if pID% < 6 width% = KShipBtnWidth% : x% =KShipBtnLeft% text$ = gShipNames$(pID%) :localid% = pID% else width% = KDirBtnWidth% :x% = KDirBtnLeft% if pID% = 6 :text$ = "across" else text$ = "down" :endif localid% = pID% - 5 endif gAt x%, 3 + ((localid% - 1) * 28) gButton text$, 2, width%, 25, abs(pMode%) ENDP PROC drawGrid:(pSide%) local i% gFont KFontCourierNormal11& :gColor 170, 170, 170 :gStyle 0 i% = 2 while i% <= 11 rem vertical gAt gXOffsets%(pSide%) + (14 * i%), 3 gLineby 0, 155 rem horizontal gAt gXOffsets%(pSide%), 3 + (14 * i%) gLineby 155, 0 i% = i% + 1 if i% = 11 :gcolor 0, 0, 0 :endif endwh gAt gXOffsets%(pSide%), 17 : gLineby 0, 141 gAt gXOffsets%(pSide%) + 14, 3 : gLineby 0, 155 gAt gXOffsets%(pSide%) + 14, 3 : gLineby 141, 0 gAt gXOffsets%(pSide%), 17 : gLineby 155, 0 rem Text i% = 1 while i% <= 10 gAt gXOffsets%(pSide%) + 4, 14 + (i% * 14) gPrint chr$(64 + i%) gAt gXOffsets%(pSide%) + 4 + (i% * 14), 14 gPrint chr$(47 + i%) i% = i% + 1 endwh ENDP PROC getCoords%:(pInX&, pInY&, vpOutX&, vpOutY&, pSide%) if pInY& < 17 or pInY& > 156 :return KNotInGrid% :endif if pInX& < gXOffsets%(pSide%) + 14 :return KNotInGrid% :endif if pInX& > (gXOffsets%(pSide%) + 152) :return KNotInGrid% :endif pokeb vpOutX&, (pInX& - gXOffsets%(pSide%)) / 14 pokeb vpOutY&, (pInY& - 3) / 14 return KInGrid% ENDP PROC getLApos%:(pSide%, pX%, pY%) rem Converts (side, x, y) grid co-ordinates into a linear array rem pointer for the grids array return ((pSide% - 1) * 100) + ((pY% - 1) * 10) + pX% ENDP PROC getXYcvt:(pPos%, pSide%, vpX&, vpY&) local p%, y% p% = pPos% - ((pSide% - 1) * 100) y% = (p% - 1) / 10 pokeb vpY&, y% + 1 pokeb vpX&, p% - (10 * y%) ENDP PROC trackPtr:(pPtrEvt&, pX&, pY&, vpCurrShip&, vpCurrOrient&) local id%, type% rem See if pointer is over a button if pX& >= KShipBtnLeft% and pX& <= KShipBtnRight% rem pointer is in LH button column if pY& < 140 and (pY& - ((pY& / 28) * 28)) <= 25 rem pointer over a LH button id% = (pY& / 28) + 1 endif elseif pX& >= KDirBtnLeft% and pX& <= KDirBtnRight% rem pointer is in RH button column if pY& < 54 and (pY& - ((pY& / 28) * 28)) <= 25 rem pointer over a RH button id% = (pY& / 28) + 6 endif endif if pPtrEvt& = 0 :rem Pointer down if id% > 0 gBtnTrackID% = id% drawButton:(id%, 1) endif elseif pPtrEvt& = 6 :rem Pointer drag if gBtnTrackID% > 0 if id% = gBtnTrackID% drawButton:(gBtnTrackID%, 1) else drawButton:(gBtnTrackID%, 0) endif endif elseif pPtrEvt& = 1 :rem Pointer up if id% > 0 and id% = gBtnTrackID% if id% < 6 drawButton:(peekb(vpCurrShip&), 0) pokeb vpCurrShip&, id% drawButton:(id%, 1) else drawButton:(peekb(vpCurrOrient&) + 6, 0) pokeb vpCurrOrient&, id% - 6 drawButton:(id%, 1) endif endif gBtnTrackID% = 0 endif ENDP PROC placeShip:(pX%, pY%, pType%, pOrient%, pPtrMode&) local pos%, p%, oldX%, oldY%, tX%, tY% tX% = pX% tY% = pY% rem Get fleet array index of current ship's position record p% = gFOffsets%(gSide%) + ((pType% - 1) * KShipRecLen%) rem Get grid array index of pointer (x, y) co-ords pos% = getLApos%:(gSide%, tX%, tY%) rem Check that ship has been placed at a new location compared rem to its recorded location if gFleet%(p%) = pos% :return :endif rem if dragging, try moving ship on-side if pPtrMode& > 0 if pOrient% = 0 if tX% + gShipLengths%(pType%) > 11 tX% = 11 - gShipLengths%(pType%) pos% = getLApos%:(gSide%, tX%, tY%) endif else if tY% + gShipLengths%(pType%) > 11 tY% = 11 - gShipLengths%(pType%) pos% = getLApos%:(gSide%, tX%, tY%) endif endif endif rem check that position is valid if pOrient% = 0 and (tX% + (gShipLengths%(pType%) - 1)) > 10 if pPtrMode& = 0 :gIPrint "Off the side", 0 :endif :return elseif pOrient% = 1 and (tY% + (gShipLengths%(pType%) - 1)) > 10 if pPtrMode& = 0 :gIPrint "Off the bottom", 0 :endif :return endif rem look for existing ships if gridSeq%:(pos%, pOrient%, pType%, KCheckForShip%) if pPtrMode& = 0 :gIPrint "Place taken", 0 :endif :return endif rem clear old ship pos if needed if gFleet%(p%) > 0 gridSeq%:(gFleet%(p%), gFleet%(p% + 1), pType%, KClearShip%) getXYcvt:(gFleet%(p%), gSide%, addr(oldX%), addr(oldY%)) drawShip:(oldX%, oldY%, pType%, gFleet%(p% + 1), KClear%) endif rem place ship gridSeq%:(pos%, pOrient%, pType%, KSetShip%) gFleet%(p%) = pos% :gFleet%(p% + 1) = pOrient% rem draw ship drawShip:(tX%, tY%, pType%, pOrient%, KShip%) ENDP PROC gridSeq%:(pPos%, pOrient%, pType%, pMode%) local i%, pos% pos% = pPos% :i% = 1 :while i% <= gShipLengths%(pType%) if pMode% = KCheckForShip% if gGrids%(pos%) > 0 and not (gGrids%(pos%) = pType%) return 1 :endif elseif pMode% = KSetShip% gGrids%(pos%) = pType% else gGrids%(pos%) = 0 endif pos% = pos% + (pOrient% * 9) + 1 :i% = i% + 1 endwh ENDP PROC doMove%:(pX%, pY%, pOldX%, pOldY%) local laPos%, moveType%, fapos%, n$(16) laPos% = getLApos%:(3 - gSide%, pX%, pY%) rem check that peg not already placed if gGrids%(laPos%) < 0 :return KPegExists% :endif rem remove marker on opponent's target grid if pOldX% > 0 and pOldY% > 0 gUse gWIds%(3 - gSide%) setSquare:(2, pOldX%, pOldY%, KUnset%) gUse gWIds%(gSide%) endif rem determine hit or miss, display notification if gGrids%(laPos%) > 0 moveType% = KHit% n$ = gShipNames$(gGrids%(laPos%)) fapos% = gFOffsets%(gSide%) + ((gGrids%(laPos%) - 1) * KShipRecLen%) + 2 gFleet%(fapos%) = gFleet%(fapos%) - 1 if gFleet%(fapos%) = 0 gCount%(gSide%) = gCount%(gSide%) - 1 if gCount%(gSide%) = 0 TBarButt:("n", 1, "New" + KCRLF$ + "Game", 0, &0, &0, 0) gIPrint "You win - hit and sunk " + n$, 2 gState% = KWon% else gIPrint "Hit and sunk " + n$, 2 endif else gIPrint "Hit on " + n$, 2 endif gGrids%(laPos%) = 0 - gGrids%(laPos%) else moveType% = KMiss% gIPrint "Miss", 2 gGrids%(laPos%) = -9 endif rem show peg on target grid, remove marker from opponent's rem last move drawPeg:(2, pX%, pY%, moveType%) setSquare:(2, pX%, pY%, KMark%) if pOldX% > 0 and pOldY% > 0 setSquare:(1, pOldX%, pOldY%, KUnset%) endif rem show move on opponent's fleet grid gUse gWIds%(3 - gSide%) drawPeg:(1, pX%, pY%, moveType%) setSquare:(1, pX%, pY%, KMark%) rem pause app to allow player to see action lock on :pause 40 :lock off if gState% = KWon% gUse gWIds%(gSide%) if gSide% = 2 :gVisible off :gUse gWIds%(1) :gVisible on :endif gAt gXOffsets%(2), 3 gCopy gWIds%(2), gXOffsets%(1), 3, 156, 156, 3 rem gAt 345, 139 :gFill 135, 14, 1 gTmode 3 :gAt 345, 150 gFont KFontArialNormal11& :gColor 0, 0, 0 :gStyle 0 gPrint "Player " + gen$(gSide%, 1) + " won." else rem hide window, switch sides gUse gWIds%(gSide%) gVisible off gSide% = 3 - gSide% rem gOrder gWIds%(gSide%), 1 gUse gWIds%(gSide%) gState% = KBoardHidden% endif return KPegPlaced% ENDP PROC drawPeg:(pSide%, pCol%, pRow%, pType%) gAt gXOffsets%(pSide%) + (pCol% * 14) + 8, (pRow% * 14) + 11 if pType% = KHit% gColor $50, $50, $50 :gCircle 4, 1 else gColor $FF, $FF, $FF gCircle 4, 1 :gColor 0, 0, 0 :gCircle 4, 0 endif ENDP PROC setSquare:(pSide%, pX%, pY%, pType%) gAt gXOffsets%(pSide%) + (14 * pX%), 3 + (14 * pY%) if pType% = KMark% gColor 0, 0, 0 gLineby 14, 0 :gLineby 0, 14 :gLineby -14, 0 :gLineby 0, -14 return endif if pY% = 1 :gColor 0, 0, 0 :else :gColor 170, 170, 170 :endif gLineby 14, 0 if pX% = 10 :gColor 0, 0, 0 :else :gColor 170, 170, 170 :endif gLineby 0, 14 if pY% = 10 :gColor 0, 0, 0 :else :gColor 170, 170, 170 :endif gLineby -14, 0 if pX% = 1 :gColor 0, 0, 0 :else :gColor 170, 170, 170 :endif gLineby 0, -14 if pType% = KClear% gMove 1, 1: gFill 13, 13, 1 endif ENDP PROC drawShip:(pX%, pY%, pType%, pOrient%, pMode%) local i% if pMode% = KClear% i% = 0 :while i% <= gShipLengths%(pType%) - 1 setSquare:(1, pX% + ((1 - pOrient%) * i%), pY% + (pOrient% * i%), KClear%) i% = i% + 1 endwh else gAt gXOffsets%(1) + (14 * pX%) + 2, 5 + (14 * pY%) gColor 170, 170, 170 gFill ((((1 - pOrient%) * (gShipLengths%(pType%) - 1)) + 1) * 14) - 3, (((pOrient% * (gShipLengths%(pType%) - 1)) + 1) * 14) - 3, 0 endif ENDP PROC reset:(pLevel%) local i% if pLevel% = 2 i% = 1 :while i% <= 200 :gGrids%(i%) = 0 :i% = i% + 1 :endwh i% = 1 :while i% <= 30 :gFleet%(i%) = 0 :i% = i% + 1 :endwh i% = 2 :while i% > 0 gUse gWIds%(i%) gAt 0, 0 :gFill 480, 160, 1 i% = i% - 1 endwh endif i% = 2 :while i% > 0 gCount%(i%) = 5 gUse gWIds%(i%) drawgrid:(1) :drawSetup: gFont KFontArialNormal11& :gColor 0, 0, 0 :gStyle 0 gAt 345, 150: gPrint "Player " + gen$(i%, 1) if i% = 2: gVisible off :else :gVisible on :endif i% = i% - 1 endwh i% = 0 :while i% < 5 gFleet%(gFOffsets%(1) + (i% * KShipRecLen%) + 2) = gShipLengths%(i% + 1) gFleet%(gFOffsets%(2) + (i% * KShipRecLen%) + 2) = gShipLengths%(i% + 1) i% = i% + 1 endwh TBarButt:("f", 1, "Accept" + KCRLF$ + "Fleet", 0, &0, &0, 0) ENDP PROC handleInputEvt:(pEvtType&, pEvtArgs&) local code% if pEvtType& = &1036 or pEvtType& = &2710 mInit mCard "File", "New game", -%n, "Close", %e mCard "Tools", "About LBShips…", %a lock on code% = menu(gLastMenu%) lock off elseif pEvtType& < &400 and pEvtArgs& = 4 code% = pEvtType& + 64 else return 0 endif if code% > 0 and loc("anew", chr$(code%)) @%("cmd" + chr$(code%)): :endif return -1 ENDP PROC confirm%:(pTitle$, pPrompt$) dInit pTitle$ dText "", pPrompt$, 0 dButtons "No", -(%n or $100 or $200), "Yes", (%y or $100 or $200) return (dialog = %y) ENDP PROC cmdE%: if confirm%:("Close", "Really close LBShips?") gState% = KClosing% endif ENDP PROC cmdN%: if gState% = KWon% gState% = KNew% elseif confirm%:("Confirm", "Really start new game?") gState% = KNew% endif ENDP PROC cmdF%: local i% i% = 1: while i% <= 5 if gFleet%(gFOffsets%(gSide%) + ((i% - 1) * KShipRecLen%)) = 0 gIPrint "Fleet set-up incomplete", 2 return else i% = i% + 1 endif endwh gAt gXOffsets%(2), 0 gFill 156, 160, 1 if gSide% = 1 gVisible off :gUse gWIds%(2) :gVisible on :gSide% = 2 gState% = KSetupSideSw% else gUse gWIds%(1) :drawGrid:(2) gUse gWIds%(2) :drawGrid:(2) gState% = KTurn% TBarButt:("g", 1, KBTTurn$, 0, &0, &0, 0) gIPrint "Commence play", 2 endif ENDP PROC cmdG%: if gState% = KBoardHidden% gVisible on gState% = KTurn% elseif gState% = KTurn% gIPrint "Already waiting for move.", 2 endif ENDP PROC cmdA%: dInit "About LBShips" dText "", "Lecture Battleships for the Revo " + KVersion$, 2 dText "", "Daniel Beardsmore, 2003", 2 dButtons "OK", 13 + 256 dialog ENDP PROC cmdW%: local i% i% = 3 :while i% <= 30 :gFleet%(i%) = 1 :i% = i% + 3 :endwh gCount%(1) = 1 :gCount%(2) = 1 giprint "Force-win activated.", 3 ENDP