Parts and documents
The wishlist is now divided up into separate pages for clarity and simplicity.
- Product literature: catalogues, datasheets, drawings, advertisements etc
- Magazine articles that have proved unavailable
- Service manuals
- Switches and other parts
- Switches requested by other people
- Some Apple III keyboards were apparently made by Datanetics, and used their design of double-action switch. While it would be unfair to rob an Apple III keyboard of such a part, it would be very good to be able to observe such a switch. No such keyboard has yet been seen.
- What does “WEAB” stand for in Mechanical Enterprises switches? Wermlands Elektronik AB in Sweden.
- Who made the “Katano” switches? Japanese is only semi-phonetic, so the manufacturer could be 交野 (from 交野市: Katano City, Osaka) or カタノ (spelt phonetically), if that is indeed the correct name, or any other word or phrase that is pronounced that way.
- Who did Strong Man, Nan Tan Computer and Ortek buy their Alps clone switches from?
- What are the “KBB” keyboards that Apple’s internal documentation claims Alps made for them?