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KBK update for Wednesday, 6th October

It looks like Cortron will be a dead loss after all. They have a whole envelope full of old vintage keyboard literature but it appears that they will now never share any of what is in there, out of some kind of paranoia. However, Electronic Engineers Master has yielded one more Licon advertisement that got overlooked until now because it was placed in a different section (section 2000: Computing, Data Handling Equipment & Accessories). This advertisement from 1973 describes a “Super Switch” ferrite core solid-state keyboard in ASR-33 layout. Curiously, the distance between the top of the mounting plate and bottom of the PCB is said to be 0.66″, effectively the same as for Series 555. Possibly “Super Switch” is the switch series used in Series 555 keyboards. The keyboard series is not named, neither is the switch series, and no model or part numbers are listed. This is the first confirmed instance of “Super Switch” as being the name of a keyboard or keyboard switch type.

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