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KBK update for Friday, 16th April

My understanding of electronics is not great, to say the least. In the past, I specifically avoided documenting electromagnetic sensing techniques (e.g. capacitive, Hall effect) as I did not understand any of them; consequently I also avoided certain brands, in particular Micro Switch. As time passed, it became clear that all the brands that I was leaving to others to document, either because they seemed beyond my understanding or because they seemed to have a sufficiently loyal fan base to take care of that, have mostly fallen to me to research and document, as the only person willing to do so.

As time passes, I have also ventured into the electronics side of keyboards. This includes capacitive sensing, in part because some very interesting techniques have turned up, as past updates have revealed. In the last few days, I have made some improvements to coverage and clarity of the capacitive sensing page. There are still no clear details on how any matrix scan keyboards actually work; this may be addressed later as and when I encounter or seek out patents that detail the approaches taken.

The illustrations on the IKOR page are also improved, to better show how the sensing technique works and to bring them more in line with the patent. The actual implementation seems to have rapidly deviated from the patented design, but for the purposes of illustration, the page shows the approach as patented. The modifications taken in production keyboards are not explained in the detail found in the patent.

PS Wave if you are following these updates!

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