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KBK update for Saturday, 27th March

It seems that Micro Switch SD Series is a little older than I thought. I have been reviewing the collection of advertisements and articles that Marcin Wichary sent me. I tend to disregard much of it, as the scan quality is generally terrible, and much of is completely unattributed: the only trace of the origin of the advertisements is when the scanned pages bear the publication details, and full-page advertisements in magazines often lack even a page number. With the publication details recorded, I could at least request a fresh scan from the Linda Hall library, as I did with the Maxi-Switch Series 6000 and 8000 advertisement where it was critical to have the illustration in a usable form. I have been forced to delete some of the advertisements as the lack of even the year of publication means that I cannot use them as a historical record; perhaps they are older than the copy I found myself elsewhere, but I have no way of knowing.

One advertisement that did offer some insight is one for Micro Switch SD Series, which indicated that production was expected in late 1974, and that SD Series was designed to compete with mechanical keyboard pricing (based on, it seems, projected 1975 pricing). The SD Series drawings date from 1975 and the oldest known SD Series keyboard was made in 1976. The advertisement suggests that the first keyboards would be delivered in 1975, which would fit.

This advertisement is now added to the SD Series page.

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