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KBK update for Saturday, 12th September

Back in January 2019, Bitsavers scanned in some more Electronic Engineers Master catalogues; with no way to subscribe, nearly two years have passed since!

The 1988–1989 and 1989–1990 catalogues contain some interesting and useful advertisments, including a seven-page advertisment from Marquardt that gives an extensive list of part numbers from Series 6184. From this, we learn that alternate action and tactile variants existed, as well as optional internal diodes. A choice of travel of 4 mm and 2.5 mm existed for the momentary types, which was already evident from the datasheets that Marquardt provided me in 2016, that I overlooked at the time.

To make extracting advertisements easier, I have also written myself a small program that wraps Ghostscript, that extracts the pages and sets the author and title in a single step.

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