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KBK update for Sunday, 24th November

Kiyoto has turned up a treasure trove of old Fujitsu literature, which has provided some important data:

Additionally, a new Alps SKCL switch has shown up, the “ベラボースイッチ” or “Bravo Switch”. Details on this are scarce; it is either a double action switch, or a keystroke speed sensing switch. It was used in cabinets for the arcade game Bravoman (ベラボーマン, amusingly rendered in English as “Bella Bowman”, which is actually written ベラ・ボウマン). No such switch has knowingly been disassembled, and the only description of its operation is in a photo on Erwin’s blog, a site that has been defunct since 2013. From this description, it is not clear whether the second stage is triggered by a high speed impact or a high force impact. What is curious is that the plunger is amber, as with the click switches used in later Apple IIc computers.

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