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KBK update for Saturday, 11th May

UncleFan found an eBay listing for the Yamaha QX1 in which a broken Alps KCC switch could be seen. On Geekhack, the QX1 is noted to have “a linear switch found on the NRC f020 Yamaha qx3, and qx1”, which is Hirose MX1A-0NNN. As such, this machine seemed not to be worth further investigation, as the Cherry switch part number could be retrieved from the readily-available QX3 service manual.

However, having now purchased the QX1 service manual from Mauritron (to avoid hassling Yamaha further), I can now see that indeed the QX1 uses switch KCC10903, which is the model number I speculated it would be upon seeing the eBay listing. The switch can be seen more clearly on the Introvert’s Yamaha QX1 Retro Review, and is a standard KCC green momentary switch.

This now means that KCC lower-weight momentary uses old part number KCC10903 and new part number SKCCBK (as previously obtained from Eleport in Japan). This marks the very first Alps data entry switch type where we have both the old and new part number.

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