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KBK update for Tuesday, 23rd April

With the forthcoming 1993 Alps catalogue scan due from lsoelxi, I figured that I should ask Sandy to confirm whether the 1994 Alps catalogue really did give the series names of “CM” and “CL”, as this would revert a change to “SKCL” and “SKCM” by the time of the 1994 catalogue.

Sandy confirmed that “CM” and “CL” were his own abbreviations, and that the 1994 catalogue does name the series as “SKCL” and “SKCM” as expected.

This clears up one nasty point of confusion over the naming. Now we only have to figure out “CM(KCM)”, “CH”/“SCH”/“SCK”, and the new problem that the “KF” prefix—denoting “full keyboard”—was used for both keyboards and switches in the full-travel membrane line! This may become clearer when the whole 1993 catalogue is ready. Sadly the catalogue is not old enough to cover SKFN/SKFM series.

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