Licon 55-000084
Licon 55-000084 is an extremely rare example of an ITW Licon ferrite core keyboard using their original wired inductive encoding: each output bit line is separately and selectively threaded through ferrite cores (magnetic cores) within the switches. It is likely to be a low-profile Series 550 keyboard.
This example is from an unidentified Sanders Data Systems device. It has serial number 46974764 (way out of range for Series 550 keyboards) and a manufacture date of week 16 1972. Sanders themselves labelled it as part number 70111846001 revision 19 and serial number 4764, if the handwriting is correctly interpreted. The PCB code is 80-550646 REV B.
The photos below are archived from eBay listing 155032308615 “Vintage 1970's Era Licon Switch Keyboard Parts” from store Electronics Recycling Angel, formerly “ReuseElectronics2021” at the time that the images were archived in July 2022); the original listing has since been deleted by eBay.