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Notices for 4th May 2015 to 26th August 2003

Monday, 4th May 2015

It seems that a few people are now using SMTP Werkzeug in spite of itself, so I guess it is worth mentioning that version 1.4 is now available. I have added a couple of features that I have wanted for a while: a session history window for when some test messages went missing and I can no longer remember what I sent where and when, and an Options dialog box where I can specify permanent custom MX servers.

Sunday, 29th March 2015

Abandon hope all ye who press enter here.

Tuesday, 26th August 2003

Well, here we are – just over two years and two months after my redesigned Telcontar’s Homepage went live, I present to you all the second revision of the site. Rebuilt in PHP as Telcontar.net, you should find the site easier to navigate at last (and with a revised structure), as well as cleaner looking and finally located at its very own domain.

Not all of the old site has been migrated yet; some sections of the old site which are worth putting up here are missing, and hopefully will be forthcoming in time.

Note finally that I have now posted HTTP Werkzeug version 1.1, for any users of my nifty little HTTP tool.

Enjoy your stay.